Sunday 23 February 2014

DHOOM 3 .. Thumbs down ..!!!

What is the purpose of a sequel ??? 

To be bigger and better than the previous versions. Well hello ..!!! Welcome to Bollywood ...!! Here sequels only become more and more dumber and stupid. Its the reverse case here. Dhoom 3 makes Dhoom 1 and Dhoom 2 look like works of Jules Dassin (no offense Jules). I don't expect Dhoom 3 to be an Italian Job or something. But at-least, it could have been a better than Dhoom 2 for crying out loud. (dhoom 2 is my favourite of this series.)

What do we expect from a Dhoom movie ? 

Not much. Just some nice action scenes and fancy bike chases with sudden burst of DHoom theme music, imaginative robbery scenes, fancy cool gadgets, hot chicks, chemistry and romance, Jai-Ali bad-cop-comedy, little LOGICAL twist in the tale, nice DHOOM title song and the most important of all  A COOOOL VILLAIN ...!!! .. Let us be generous and skip less important things like story, script, direction, acting, character development and B*ll-sh*t. Lets see how Dhoom 3 fares in THESE IMPORTANT DEPARMENTS ONLY.


What is the purpose of making an action movie ? It's to thrills your senses to an extent where your adrenalin is over-flowing. What Dhoom 3 does ? It dries up your existing Adrenalin and other brainy fluids that support your intelligence. It seems like the director imagined these bike chases after watching his son play the Chor-Police game with his toy cars. There is no chasing here. They just make the actors roam around Chicago on fancy bikes making vroom-vroom sounds to give an impression of speed and give us a tour of chicago, but we can do that ourselves on google streets without wasting so much of petrol. Instead of giving the sense of rush and sense of awe, these long and boring action scenes gave me sense of yawwwwnnn ..!!! .. and the less we talk about the logic, the better it would be. 

If the Chicago police knew that they will be treated like Indian Police in this movie, they would have never given the permission to shoot there, which would have been a HUGE RELIEF ....!!! To make things worse, the slow-motion show off in this movie gave me migraines. But thank-fully i was watching this on my laptop in VLC player, so i pressed x2 speed option every time this Slo-Mo show-off was triggered.


You wont believe if i say, there were Robberies inspired and Executed exactly as shown in movies. Read this yourself on wikipedia.

 " In Malappuram district of Kerala, four members of a group of criminals had cracked the floor of South Malabar Gramin Bank in the early hours on 30 December 2007 and looted INR 2.5 million and 80 kilogrammes of gold, a total worth of Rs. 80 million, considered to be one of the biggest thefts in Kerala’s crime records. The Kerala Police have arrested four people in connection with this and the leader admitted that he was inspired by Dhoom. The media in India drew parallels to Dhoom 2.[13][14]. "

Now ...!!!

Whats Dhoom 3's idea of robbery ??? 
Its normal sunny day, every body is busy, everything is quiet and ....


Suddenly, the dollars are raining all over the place and Kaboom ..!! Aamir khan is running exactly how Tom Cruise ran vertically downwards  on Burj Khalifa in Mission Impossible. Thats it. Thats Robbery for you and you are supposed to believe it ..!! .. I wish this movie was renamed and telecasted on AXN as " Yash Raj's Believe it or not". That too in slow motion. 


Nothing new in this department. Its only like recycling the same cow's dung into a manure and showing it off as a fancy new fertilizer. Dhoom 2 was a clear winner in this department.


Hot chicks are there in this movie, but i wish their purpose was something more than being hot.
The chemistry between Aamir and Katrina is the most plastic romance i have seen in a movie for a very long time. And Uday Chopra's attempts to be a Romantic Comedian have inspired Adam Shandler to re-consider his career in Rom-Com acting.

5) JAI-ALI Bad-Cop comedy

Honestly, the SMS jokes have made me laugh more than what Abhishek and Uday Chopra could do. Continuing the Bollywood tradition of mocking Tamils thanks to chennai express, their opening scene of auto chase itself is so hammy, so hammy, ab kya bataaon kitni hammy. Uday Chopra does a 'Phata poster Nikli bike' and Abhishek Bachan does a 'Phati Deewar Nikla Auto' in this scene, and from there on, their only purpose in this movie is to walk in slow motion wearing Sun glasses. 


The songs are the worst to say the least. The twist is good before interval but the way that twist was used in the second half is the reason why aliens don't visit mother earth.

7) THE VILLAIN .. THE BACK-BONE OF ANY DHOOM MOVIE. (this part is going to be big ..!!!)

In my teenage, i never wished to be a hero. But i always wished to be a Dhoom Villain. Smart, Hot, Cocky, Unpredictable, Cunning, Intelligent, Serious, Self-Disciplined, Highly skilled, Highly Intelligent, Highly Athletic and Acrobatic and the most important quality of all - that pumping confidence and attitude. Hrithik Roshan showed all these just through his eyes. John Abraham was good too. But Hrithik set the standard too far for anyone to reach. He carried Dhoom 2 on his shoulders with his looks, dance, acting and stunts. He stole the show single handedly, even side-lining the great Aishwaria Rai. He was the complete package for an action hero. He re-defined villain-ism but making you fall in love with the villain and at point in Dhoom 2, you start feeling that Hrithik is the Hero here and Abhishiek is the villain. Thats the range of emotions Hrithik managed to generate. He convincingly got the Audience to fall in love with his terrific robbery schemes too.

Now i don't expect all those from Aamir. Its not his fault though. But atleast the writers could have taken an extra care atleast for this villain character. It would have been Awesome if Aamir's character was something like what we see in that terrific Interval seen in Fanaa. 

Instead of that, what writers choose to give us is this :

Looks like a wanted criminal's pic on Thane police station right ??? I was so dissapointed to see the portrayal of villain by Aamir Khan. Sorry to break it down here, but this is his worst performance till date. Looks like Aamir Khan chose this role only to help Abhshiek and Uday Chopra revive their Gloomy filmy Careers which are being run on the name of their fathers.

Serioulsy man ..!! .. what went wrong ??? Dhoom 2 was so well made. All i asked was to give me something better than that. Plus, i had that "Aamir Khan cannot go wrong" kinda thing going in my mind. Everything was shattered as soon as i watched that Bike going on a rope from one building to other. This is the article am writing with the least most interest, thanx to the movie. Thumbs Down Yash Raj ..!!! I f you tell me that Dhoom 3 is a parody to action movies, I will accept it. If you say its a serious action movie, Then Namasthe ..!!! you need a Psychiatrist. I am still waiting for that perfect Indian Action movie. I dono when my thrist will be quenched ..!!

( I am sure the following reviews on Dhoom 3 are more entertaining than Dhoom 3 itself, read it right away .. )