Wednesday 3 July 2013


Reservoir dogs (My review)

Which director on this earth will start his debut hollywood movie with the kind of dialogues given below :
“ Let me tell you what Like A Virgin is About ? It’s all about a girl who digs a guy with big dicks. The entire song- It’s a metaphor for Big Dicks“.
Let me talk in his language, Which director has the balls to describe a World famous song, sang by Madonna the superstar, in the above way, that too in the opening scene of his opening movie.  The funny thing is, the director himself is the actor speaking those dialogues. What’s even more funny, is the fact that this a very serious movie, it’s about a diamond heist gone wrong that has turned into a violent Blood-bath. But who has this amazing ability to thrash all those genre conventions into a Garbage Can & recycle it back again in a way he wants to see them ? Which director has this ability to make you laugh in situations where you are supposed to be serious? Yes you know who am talking about !!! It’s none other than QUENTIN TARANTINO.

Only Quentin Tarantino can make a team of Robbers discuss about Madonna, Virgin & dicks while having breakfast before a serious job, stealing diamonds. I mean, thats how Reservoir dogs opens. I can write an article on that opening scene itself. The camera rolls around the table & you would be watching one of the most famous Hall marks of Tarantino movies, the Long Unusual conversations. This is where Tarantino’s dialogue writing ability comes into picture. Watch out for a guy’s explaination on why he never gives tips. Watch how Tarantino himself goes dick dick over a Madona’s song. I am sure you will be addicted to those dialogues like i am, coz it’s not just mere lines, its dialogue porn. It’s amazing how boldly, Tarantino embodies pop-culture references in his movies. His dialogues should be made a separate language called Tarantinise.

I simply cannot control my urge to write all the lines of the opening scene in this article, but i don’t wanna spoil things for the readers. But what follows after that is a series of twists & turns, Flash backs & flash forths of the story. But with Quentin Tarantino, it’s never simple & usual. It’s always unusual & it’s always about some thing, that you have never given a Tinker’s Damn about. This movie is about a diamond heist gone wrong, Robbers on the run hiding in a Ware house, now thats usual stuff. The unusual stuff is how Tarantino tells his story by his choice of bizarre soundtracks, his Black humour, his Pop-culture references & tongue-in-cheek dialogue. He makes his characters talk about Lee Marvin even with all that bullshit around them, he has a cop’s ear chopped off with a hip-hop song playing in the back-ground. He is not a director here, he is the Director-DJ of this movie. And are all the famous hall-marks that the movie-goers have witnessed in his movies since then.

Can you fucking believe the names of our “Heroes“ in this movie ? They are named after colors Mr.White, Mr.Blue, Mr.Orange, Mr.Brown, Mr. White, etc.. One of the characters questions, “ Isnt Mr.Brown a little too close to Mr.Shit ?” , for which the other guy anwers, “ Mr.Pink sounds like Mr.Pussy”.  Got the picture ? This naming scene reminds me of an equally funny scene in Django Unchained, where a bunch of guys are fighting over an issue of wearing masks for the raid. These kind of Black humour moments are the ones that make his movies a fun to watch. And reservoir Dogs has plenty of those in it’s belt.  And not to forget about the amazing ensemble cast, who played the above characters by successfully bringing life to Tarantinise. Especially watch out Steve Buscemi’s remarkable dialogue delivery potraying all levels of a freaked out & a frustrated “Professional”. Micheal “Mad”sen is the monster which your mother used to scare you about as a kid, when you refused have a glass of milk. Watch out for how Chris Penn goes Mad towards the end.  The cast’s performance is what that makes you feel the way you are supposed to in every particular scene. The movie itself, like other of his movies, is divided into non-linear chapters like in a High School Textbook and this time, he names each chapter after his Character (color).

Man !! i can write about Quentin Tarantino forever. But Bottom Line, Reservoir Dogs is one of Tarantino’s earliest Khichidis, which are nothing short of a Genre smashing Recipe, paving a new genre for himself. From non-linear Chapters to aestheticised-violence, it has all the ingredients for which he later became famous in years to come. It defines the way Quentin Tarantino wants to make movies, which is - the way he wants to see it. And believe me, that’s the way we want to see it too.  For me, this movie has the strongest of all his other stories, more  gripping than Inglorious & Django put together & no wonder Empire Magazine named it “ The greatest Independent movie of all time “. Go take a popcorn & Watch it, for sure i know that you are gonna have a blast watching this. 

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